God is the Father of Man. He has loved us before we were ever born to this Earth. Through the pains of loss and fear, we have hardened our hearts towards our Father, causing us to feel empty and filled with controlled anger and fear. To show us His unfailing love for us as mankind, He has manifested Christ to us, which is only seen in Jesus, who walked this Earth 2000 years ago, who is the image of an invisible God that we all hunger for. We are invited to eat spiritual food with Jesus for true life. As we open our eyes and ears to the Holy Spirit, we see Jesus for who He truly is, and then we can know the Father in all wisdom and spiritual insight. This gives us life, and we as the Sons of God will reign and rule on the Earth as Manifest Sons of God, bringing about the kingdom of God so that all men will glorify the Father here on the Earth. Torn Veil Ministries is dedicated to moving towards perfection as we are daily transformed into the same image of the Christ.